dnt know why, sunddenly i miss something..miss tat time when hanging out wth chin seng, bowie, stan, cynthia n mk..
i did had a wonderful day in my life which is unforgettable..
miss ss2 murni though..
miss my valentines..
miss the sms early in the morning..
miss the skype b4 i sleep..
miss chatting n talking to him..
miss his brother..
miss his grey myvi..
miss the dim sum..
miss the food..
miss the fat swan in the garden..
miss his sound..
miss the phone calls..
miss all his promises..
i miss all these really badly..but it seem like all is over..
is like a dream, all had d vanished when i woke up the next morning..
i start to use him to compare with others, i know is selfish..i really know this as well..
but in my side, is good for me though, at least i know which type i want, n i just heading forward for not wasting my time..
can anyone tell me, is this wat can i do now?or i m too selfish to do that?